Ayurvedic Mind types

Mental Constitutions

By Dr kavita vyas(M.D Ayurveda)

Mind types in mental illness

Ayurvedic prakriti analysis

On the mental and astral planes, three attributes or gunas correspond to the three humors (Doshas) that make up the physical constitution. In the ayurvedic system of medicine, these three gunas provide the basis for distinctions in human temperament and individual difference in psychological and moral dispositions. The three basic gunas are satva, rajas and tamas .   

Ayurvedic Psychology

Ayurvedic Mind Types

Seven different mental types can be ascertained for each humour (Like the seven physical humoral type) these are pure satva, pure rajas, pure tamas, sattva-rajas, sattva-tamas, rajas-tamas and all three in equal proportion. Totally pure sattva (Shuddha sattva) gives enlightenment.

1. Satva type -

Characteristics of Satvik mind type-

Satva expresses essence, understanding, purity, clarity, compassion and love. People of sattvic temperament have healthy bodies and their behavior and consciousness are very pure. They believe in the existence of god and are religious and often very holy people. 

Food for Satva type-

Satva type people like pure, fresh and juicy food. They love sweets, vegetables, fruits and milk products.
So they need not to change much in their diet, but may reduce sweets.

Rajas Type -

Characteristics of Rajas mind type-

Rajas implies movement, aggressiveness and extroversion, the rajas mind operates on a sensual level. Individuals of a rajas temperament are interested in business, prosperity, power, prestige and position. They enjoy wealth and are generally extroverted. They may believe in god but they also may have sudden changes of belief. They are very political.   

Food for rajasik mind type-

Rajas people live spicy, oily and dry food. They can start taking more fruit juices, coconut water, they should reduce spicy, sour and oily food. Yogic diet is best for rajas mind type. Doing meditation will also help to balance rajas .

Tamas type-

Characteristics of tamasik people-

Tamas manifests in ignorance, inertia, heaviness and dullness. Tamasic people are lazy, selfish and capable of destroying others. They generally have little respect for others and are not religious. All their activities are egotistical. The person of sattvic temperament attains self realization without much effort while rajasic and tamasic types must make more effort to attain this state.

Food for tamasik mind type-

Tamasik type people like stale food, junk food, unfresh food, alcoholic tastes. Etc
They should start taking freshly cooked food, more milk products, and should avoid alcohol, stale food.
Doing pranayam will help them to reduce tamas.
See related youtube video below 

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