Ayurvedic daily routine

According to ayurveda Daily Regimen [Dincharya)                                    By -Dr kavita vyas [ayurveda consultant]

Ayurvedic daily routine tips
Ayurvedic daily diet

Different people have different daily routine according to their profession and other liabilities. Here we are giving a general guideline for daily routine and health care habits as mentioned in ayurveda.

1)Time to wakeup

      A Healthy person should arise two hours before sunrise.Mornning time air is fresh and full of oxygen. The energy of morning atmosphere gives you freshness for whole day. In yoga early morning time is considered as best time for doing meditation.

2) Water intake 

    Early morning empty stomach 3-4 glass of  leukwarm water should be taken. It is very good for health as it dilutes all the acid and toxins collected in stomach during whole night. Water should be drunk slowly because it will take more saliva to stomach if taken slowly. Our early morning saliva is having antibiotic, antibacterial property, this can be applied to skin for any skin disorder.


              Regularly light exercise should be done by every body. With exercise the body grows and becomes proportionate in shape. Muscular strength increases. The body comes to withstand exertion, fatigue, heat and cold. The appetite also is improved and health is maintained. Exercise is most beneficial in the winter and spring seasons.
Surya namaskar is considered as one of the best combination od yogasanas which any healthy person can do.
It is best when done to the extent of half the exercising capacity. When sweat appears on the fore head and armpits, and respiration becomes quick and one is forced to breath by opening the mouth, these are the signs that exercise should be stopped.                                                                                         
While doing any exercise, due consideration must be given to age, strength, physical condition, time, season of the year and diet. If exercise is done than it aggravates vata and the blood & produces many diseases.

Ayurvedic daily scedule
Exercise is important

4)Care of the teeth-

       In ancient days people used to clean their teeth with help of sticks of medicated plant like neem, khadir etc. Teeth should be cleaned with medicated powders mixed with oil & salt. The mouth is the place of Kapha’ and has an alkaline PH. Hence the teeth should be brushed or better yet cleaned with the fingers, with ayurvedic medicated powders containing astringent, bitter and slightly pungent taste.
         For this purpose, a mixture of the powder of catechu, rock salt, black pepper, long pepper, camphor, turmeric and neem [Azadiracta indica] in equal proportions along with a small amount of cloves and honey is recommended. Such ayurvedic tooth powders are commercially available. If used regularly, they can eliminate many dental problems, particularly gum diseases which are the main cause of tooth loss. Ayurvedic Tooth powder is much better than Tooth paste for teeth and also low in cost. After having meals, gargle the teeth with water at least 12-15 times, so that any residue of food can be removed from the teeth, which is harmful for the teeth and gums. Don’t have very hot or very cold drinks or food, it is harmful for the teeth and throat both.

5)Care of the tongue-

                 The tongue should be cleaned by a flexible and long                       
Strip of metal or wood. Steel or copper are used for this purpose. Each person should use a tongue scraper every day. Cleaning the tongue not only cleanses the mouth but also stimulates the whole digestive tract and improves the digestive fire.

6)Care of the mouth

               Gargling with ¼ th cup lukewarm undiluted sesame oil or mustard oil   is recommended. This gives strength to the teeth, improves the voice, and imparts proper taste to the food that is eaten. One used to such gargles never gets dryness of throat, nor do his lips ever get cracked; his teeth will never get dental carries and will be deep rooted; he will not have any tooth ach nor will his teeth set on edge by sore intake; his teeth can chew even the hardest eatables.

7) Care of the face-

            Every morning the face and eyes should be washed with cool water.    A medicated paste containing Haritaki [Terminalia chebula], sandalwood and milk can be applied to the face and kept on for ten minutes. This paste is a little astringent and helps tighten the skin and prevent wrinkling. One can clean the face with fresh milk [unboiled milk] other herbal facial oils can similarly be used.   

Ayurvedic daily diet plan
Ayurvedic treatment

8) Care of the Eyes-

           Every day collyrium or kajjal should be put in to the eyes. This helps in removing dirt and dust and relieves watering or burning of the eyes due to strain. Regular use of collyrium increases the brightness of the eyes and strengthens their  withstand bright light. Collyrium should be made from the decoction of barberry [Amla], liquorice and triphala in equal parts along with enough honey to produce a paste. This can be applied in to the eyes. For making collyrium the best substance is the ash from a cow’s ghee lamp. To make this a copper or silver bowl with a small amount of water in it,and it is held over a ghee lamp, the black material which accumulates under the bowl is collected as collyrium. Massaging cow’s ghee on the soles of the feet is good for the eyes.Waking till late night and sleeping after sun rise affects the eye sight.Sleep early and wake up early.

9)Care of the nose-

        Medicated oil should be put in to both nostrils every day [This is called pratimarsha nasya]. A few drops can be put on the end of the little finger and gently applied in to the nose. For this purpose the Ayurvedic oil called Shadbindu tailam should be used or, if it is not available , such oils as sesame oil, Brahmi oil or ghee are also helpful. Constant use of nasya treatment [one of the panchakarma treatment] protects the eyes, nose and throat against disease and improves their efficiency. It is also helps to prevent diseases of the neck and head region and strengthens the voice.

10) Care of ear-

          If sesame oil is regularly dropped in to the ears, ear diseases due to vitiated vata like torticollis, lock jaw, hardness of hearing and deafness can be prevented. For ear diseases Bilva tailam is good.

11) Oil Massage-

a) Body massage-Oil massage on body is known in Sanskrit as abhyanga. Medicated oil should be massaged on the whole body, including the head and feet. Regular oil massage removes excess fat from the skin, makes the skin glossy, soft and strengthens it. It also protects the skin from diseases.. One who practices oil massage regularly the body, even if subjected to injuries or strenuous work will not be much affected .
b) Head massage-One who applies seasam oil on his head regularly does not suffer from headache, baldness, graying of hair, nor does his hair fall. Strength of his head and forehead is specially enhanced, his hair becomes black, long and deep rooted; his sense organs work properly; the skin of his face becomes brightened; produces sound sleep and happiness. Coconut oil is also considered good for the hairs. 
c) Massage of feet- By massaging oil in the feet, roughness, immobility, dryness, fatigue and numbness are instantaneously cured; tenderness, strength and steadiness of feet are effected; the eyesight becomes clear and Vata [vitiated]is relieved there by. Prevention from sciatica, cracking of feet, constriction of vessels and ligaments of feet is ensured, reproductive system is also strengthened.

12) Bath

          Hot water bath should be taken after  half to one hour of oil massage so that  oil can have sufficient time to be absorbed by the skin.  For washing the head the water should not be too hot. [In fact cold water is good for head bath]. For body hot water bath relieves fatigue, increases strength, cleans the body, improves appetite and imparts a pleasant sensation to the body as well as the mind. In general bathing is purifying, stimulant and life giving; it removes fatigue, sweating and dirt .It brings about strength in the body and is an aid par excellence for the enhancement of Ojas, increases immunity.

(See Ayurveda prakruti related youtube video below)

13)Other care- 
          The proper dressing and regular cutting of hair, beard and nails etc. adds to the beauty, cleanliness and longevity.

14)  After lunch one should have half hour nap, it increases efficiency in work. Known as vaamkukshi[sleeping in left side turned body.]

15)  If one applies cows ghee with the help of small finger in the both the nostrils, before sleep it increases immunity and good for sinus problem.

16]  At night taking hot milk with ½ to 1 tea spoon of cows ghee is good for sound sleep and subsides pitta.

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