How to be healthy in pre winter season or Sharad ritucharya

 How to be healthy in pre winter season

Dietetics and Regimen for prewinter or Sharada Ritucharya

By dr Kavita vyas (Ayurved acharya)

Ayurvedic sharad ritucharya

Because person become habitual to the cold wheather of rainy season, when in autumn the rays of sun becomes more clear and hot the pitta accumulated in rainy season ,aggravates in One should take Sweet and less spicy food, which is light to digest.

- The food should be cool in effect which can subside the pitta.
- All people should eat barley rice and wheat. Milk is also good to take in this season
- In this season One can have Haritaki churnam (Terminalia chebula)-5 gm with mishri or unrefined sugar , it has rejuvenation effect.
- One can take Ghritam medicated with bitter herbs and can undergo Virechana process (Detail of this process given in Panchakarma chapter).so the accumulated pitta can be eliminated from the body.
- One should avoid seating in sunlight.
- One should avoid taking oil, fats, curd and spicy food.
- One should also avoid day sleeping and the eastern wind. The water heated by sun light and in night cooled by the Moon is called as hansodaka(the pure Water) it is best for drinking and other purposes.
- It is good to stay in moon light, in this season.
Watch related youtube video below

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