Body types in Ayurveda

Body types in Ayurveda

By Dr Kavita Vyas(M.D.ayurved)


The basic constitution of each individual is determined at conception. At the time of fertilization, the single male unit, the spermatozoa unites with the single female element the ovum.At the moment of this union, the constitution of the individual is determined by the permutations and combinations of bodily air, (Vata), fire (Pitta), and water (Kapha) that manifest in the parent’s bodies.
What are the 3 main body types
Ayurvedic Bodytypes

  In general there are seven types of constitutions;
(1) Vata (2) Pitta (3) Kapha (4) Pitta -Vata (5) Pitta-Kapha (6) Vata-Kapha and (7) Vata-Pitta-Kapha.

Among these seven general types of constitutions, there are innumerable subtle variations that depend upon the percentage of vata-pitta-kapha elements in the constitutions. The constitution is called prakruti in Sanskrit, a term meaning ‘nature ‘, or creativity. In the body the first expression of the basic five elements is the constitution. The basic five elements is the constitution. The basic constitution of the individual remains unaltered during the life time, as it is genetically determined. The combination of elements present at birth remains constant however; the combination of elements that governs the continuous psychopathological changes in the body alters in response to changes in the environment.


"Kapha Body Type Characteristics and Kapha Body type foods"

Kapha body type in ayurveda doshas
Kapha Body Type Means

Kapha Body type means- (Kapha Body type )-Characteristics

Physically-People of kapha constitution have well developed bodies. There is however, a strong tendency for these individuals to carry excess weight. Their chest is expanded and broad. The veins and tendons of kapha people are not obvious because of their thick skin and their muscle development is good. The bones are not prominent.
Their complexions are fair and bright. The skin is soft, lustrous and oily; it is also cold and pale. The hair is thick, dark, soft and wavy. The eyes are dense and black or blue; the white of the eye is generally very white, large and attractive. The conjunctiva does not tend to redness Physiologically kapha people have regular appetites, the digestion functions relatively slowly and there is less intake of food. They tend to move slowly. They crave for pungent, astringent and bitter tastes.Stools are soft and may be pale in color; evacuation is slow. Their perspiration is moderate. Sleep is sound and prolonged.
There is a strong vital capacity evidenced by good stamina and kapha people are generally healthy, happy and peaceful.
Psychologically they tend to be tolerant, calm, forgiving and loving; however they also exhibit traits of greed, attachment, envey and possessiveness. Their comprehension is slow but definite. Once they understand something, that knowledge is retained. Kapha people tend to be wealthy; they earn money and are good at holding on to it. Kapha individuals are on the whole-calm, peaceful and reliable. People who are most at ease in the cozyenvironment of home and family. Unfortunately some of these character sticks may lead in excess to idleness, addiction, jealousy and selfishness. However these people usually have personalities that are rock solid, so stable that they may appear to be inactive in both mind and body. They usually take an inordinate amount of time to start an activity but will see it through to the end with stubborn determination regardless of difficulties. This aspect is true of every branch of their lives; friendships farm slowly, but persist to the grave.

Kapha body type foods

General instructions

For kapha type person eating less but eating high quality of food is good. Take low salt, low fat, high fiber, lightly cooked foods.
- Kapha people are the only ones who can easily escape breakfast. One can take only juice or herbal tea for breakfast. Pungent, light, dry, bitter, astringent and hot food is good for kapha people. Kapha people should avoid sweet, oily, salty, cold, heavy and sour food. Have more quantity of salad. Take warm water after food and early morning. Avoid ice-cold water.
- Take a gentle walk after eating. Avoid sleeping after meals as this adds to heaviness in the body. Fast one day a week.
- Do not use food for emotional support. This will definitely cause weight gain. (Consuming chocolate and ice-cream in more quantity should be avoided.
Kapha increases in early morning, later in the evening and in the spring. So take care of your diet at this time.

Suggested food items

Grains - Barley,corn, rice.

Legumes - Red lentils, aduki (udad), mung (green gram), kidney beans (Chawla), tofu (Made up of soyabeans), peanut.

Dairy products - Ghee (clarified butter), goat’s milk, butter milk.

Vegetables - sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, green beans, leafy green vegetables, radish, spinach, pumkin.potato.

Nuts and dry fruits - resins, dry fig, dry dates.

Fruits - dates, apple, apricots, berries, mango, pomegranate, strawberries, papaya.

Spices -Asafoetida, ajwain (Bishopa weed’sseed), garlic, turmeric, mustard, black pepper, sea salt (normal quantity), cumin seeds (jeera) cloves,  cinnamon, cardamom etc.

Drinks - Fruits and vegetable juices, herbal tea.

(See related youtube video below-)

Pitta Body type Symptoms and suggested food-

General characteristics of pitta body type .-

Physically -These people are of medium height, are slender and body frame may be delicate. Their chests are not as flat as those of vata people and they show a medium prominence of veins and muscle tendons. They may have many moles or freckles which are bluish or brownish red. The bones are not as prominent as in the vata individual. Muscle development is moderate.
The pitta complexion is fair.The skin is soft warm and less wrinkled than vata skin. The hair is thin, silky red or brownish and there is a tendency toward premature graying of hair and hair loss. The eyes may be gray, green or copper brown and with sharp eye sight; the eye balls will be of medium prominence. The conjunctiva is moist and copper colored. The nails are soft. The shape of the nose is sharp and the tip tends to be reddish.
Physiologically, these people have a strong metabolism, good digestion and resulting strong appetites. The person of pitta constitution usually takes large quantities of food and liquid. Pitta types have a natural craving for sweet, bitter and astringent tastes and enjoy cold drinks. Their sleep is of medium duration but uninterrupted. They produce a large volume of urine and the feces are yellowish, soft and plentiful. There is a tendency toward excessive perspiring. The body temperature may run slightly high and hands and feet will tend to be warm. Pitta people do not tolerate sunlight, heat or hard work.
Psychologically, pitta people have a good power of comprehension; they are very intelligent and sharp and tend to be good orators .They have emotional tendencies toward hate, anger and jeolousy.They are ambitious people who generally like to be leaders. Pitta people appreciate material prosperity and they tend to be moderately well of financially. They enjoy exhibiting theirwealth and luxurious possessions. Pragmatic, clear and powerful in their actions and emotions. Pitta characters can become domineering. Their passionate nature leads to reliable enthusiasm and commitment. Their every thing has a purpose, including their friend ships. Passion may run so high that they are intolerance of any one, who gets in their way, not hesitating to burn them if it suits their purpose. 

Pitta body type foods to avoid

Pitta body type diet p

Pitta body type foods

General instructions

People with a dominant pitta dosha usually have a strong appetite, that needs to be satisfied regularly. Unsatisfied appetite leads to strong hunger and anger.
Pitta person should take cool, slightly dry and a little heavy diet, avoid salt. Sweet astringent and bitter tastes are good for pitta. Pungent, hot sour, salty, oily food causes imbalance of Pitta.
- Eat good size meals at midday. Avoid late night Eating. Avoid salty, greasy, overly cooked, heavily spiced, sour foods, alcohol and sugar. Eat three meals a day at regular time. Eat light breakfast and early lunch. 
- Eating with an attitude of calm and gratitude is helpful. Avoid eating when angry, irritated or in competitive situations. Avoid eating in hotels, as they put more oils and spices.
- Pitta is increased by summer, at mid day and midnight, intense heat, excessive sunlight, be aware at these times. 

Suggested food items.

Grains - Barley, rice, wheat. Oats (Jwar), khus khus (Poppy seeds).

Legumes - Any beans except red lentils (tuar dal).

Vegetables - Sprouts, cabbage, corn, cauliflower, cucumber, green beans, mushroom, peas, potatoes, sweet potato.

Dairy products - Unsalted butter, cow’s and goat’s milk, yoghurt, ghee (clarified butter), butter milk.

Fruits - Apples, apricots, berries, coconut, dates, figs, grapes, mangoes, oranges, melons, oranges, pineapple, pomegranate. 

Nuts and dry fruits - Raisins, dry coconut.

Drinks - Aloe Vera juice, coconut milk, fruits or 
vegetable juices, herbal tea.

Sweeteners - Barley malt, sugar cane juice, fructose, extract of licorice, raw sugar, fresh honey.

Oils - Coconut, olive, Soya, sesame, sunflower.

Spices - Coriander, cumin, fennel, mint,  pepper mint, turmeric, cardamom.

(See related youtube video below-)

Vata Body type Symptoms and suggested Food.

Vata-Constituion (Vata Body type symptoms)-Characteristics

People of Vata-constitution are generally physically underdeveloped. Their chests are flat and their veins and muscle tendons are visible. The complexion is brown; the skin is cold, rough, dry and cracked. Vata people are generally too tall or too short, with thin frame which reveal prominent joints and bone ends because of poor muscle development.
The hairs are curly and scanty, the eye lashes are thin and the eyes are lusterless. The eyes may be sunken, small.dry and muddy. The nails are rough and brittle. The shape of the nose is bent and turned up.
Physiologically the appetite and digestion are variable. Vata people crave for sweet, sour and salty tastes, and like hot drinks. The production of urine is scanty and the feces are dry, hard and small in quantity. They have a tendency to perspire less than other constitutions types. Their hands and feet are often cold. Vata people are creative, active, alert and restless .They talk fast and walk fast but they are easily fatigued.

Psychologically, they are characterized by short memory but quick mental understanding. They will understand something immediately, but will soon forget it.
They have little will power, tend toward mental stability and possess little tolerance, confidence or boldness. Their reasoning power is weak and these people are easily get nervous, fearful, and afflicted by much anxiety. Each constitutional type also exhibits certain patterns in interactions with the external environment. Vata people tend to earn money quickly and also to spend it quickly. Thus they tend to remain poor.
Vata people are highly susceptible to external influences and react quickly to changes in their circumstances. Change in all things at all times is typical; one minute they desire company and a moment later need solitude. They seem unwilling to adopt anypattern in their daily existence, to the extent that they seldom finish what they start. Many of their decisions and emotions arise from feelings of uncertainty.See youtube video "Do you know your Body type?". On #Healthbuddynatural Channel.

Vata Body type Symptoms
Vata Body Type Food

Diet for Vata BodyType  people-

General Instructions

People with Vata body type have unpredictable and irregular appetite. So eating quality in sufficient quantity is useful, as long as hunger is there. Eat 3-4 meals a day at regular time.
- Eat a good breakfast. Take a hot milky drink at night.
- Diet for Vata type people should contain warm, heavy, moistening, nourishing, and soothing foods. Use mild spices and little salt to help digestion. Avoid pungent, bitter, astringent, dry and cold food as these causes imbalance of Vata. If you are allergic to any thing like potatoes, tomatoes, peppers lactose etc. then be aware before eating. Go for a warm dessert or hot herbal tea at the end of your meal.
- Eating at Home is best; eating fast food is not good for health.
- While eating avoid watching T.V., listening to radio, reading paper etc. It affects digestion. Eat in a calm, clean and spacious feeling atmosphere.
- Skipping meals is not good for vata people, but also avoid over eating.
- Vata is increased by age, autumn season, and afternoon time, travel, in loud noise, cold and wind. Be careful in these situations.

Suggested Food Items

Grains - Wild rice, brown rice, basmati rice, oats,corn and wheat.

Legumes - Split mung, aduki, Soya.

Vegetables - Carrots,
cucumber, green beans, mustard greens, spinach, pumpkin, sweet potato etc. Also one can take other seasonal green vegetables which are available in that particular country/ region.

Dairy products - Cow’s milk, goat’s milk, butter milk, yoghurt, ghee (clarified butter). butter.

Fruits - Appricots, bananas, berries, cherries, coconut, dates, fresh figs, grape, lemon, mangoes, melons, orange, pineapple, apple, papayas, pomgranates, pineapple.

Nuts and dry fruits - Almonds, cashews , pistachio, dry coconut, raisins, dry dates. Ground nut (Mungaphali)

Sweeteners - Jaggery, honey, sugar cane juice, barley malt

Oils - Coconut oil, sesame oil, mustard oil, ground nut oil, Soya oil, almond oil, olive oil.

Spices -Asafoetida, ajwain (Bishopa weed’sseed), garlic, turmeric, mustard, black pepper, sea salt (small quantity), cumin seeds (jeera) cloves, coriander, cinnamon, cardamom etc. Pickels, sweet chutneys can also be taken.

Drinks - Fruits and vegetable juices, Ayurvedic herbal wines (drakshasava small quantity) herbal tea (licorice, fennel, ginger, black pepper, long pepper, lemon grace, cardamom, Tulsi (holy basil), Hot milk.

(See related youtube video below-)

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