Pitta dosha imbalance symptoms and General remedies

Pitta Dosha imbalance symptoms and General remedies 

              -By Dr Kavita Vyas (MD Ayurveda)


 Pitta is the site of fire in whole Body.  Just as the external fire cooks food and gives it another form, similarly the diet consumed by pitta(as digestive fire) changes the nutritive juice and makes it fit for the body after metabolism.

 Common features of pitta dosha and five types of pitta already mentioned in

 In tridosh article .see thelink(https://drkavitavyas.blogspot.com/p/types-of-vatapitta-and-kaha-dosha_16.html?m=1)

Generally pitta aggrevates in winter season

 Today in this Article  we will tell you

 1. When does pitta dosha increases according to time, age and after intake of food?

 2. Reasons of pitta imbalance.

 3. Symptoms of imbalanced pitta

 4. Remedies for balancing the Pitta dosha.

 1.First let's know that
When pitta aggravates more

A)Depending on the time of day and night

 Afternoon 11-3pm and mid night 11-3 am are the time of pitta, so if you wake up late at night, drink some water again and again.  

B)Pitta dosha naturally is more aggravated during young age/in youth.

C) After I take of meals Pitta dosha increases in the body 1.5 hours after meals.

 Therefore, it is said that water should be drunk 1.5 hours after meals.


Functions of Pitta

 2. Reasons of pitta imbalance.


 Causes of pitta imbalance-

 Eating spicy,sour, salty, hot, heat producing good items; excessive intake of hot in effect substances like horse gram or Kulathi (Botanical name: Macrotyloma uniflorum),

 Intake of  Food items like curd, sour fruits, alcohol, anger, grief, fear, excessive hard work and long fasting, staying under strong sunlight for long time,and seating long near fire.

3. Symptoms of imbalanced pitta

 Symptoms include -excessive hunger and thirst.

 -Hair loss or hair whitening,

 -hormonal imbalance,

 -Migraines, heat stroke,

 -Wanting to eat something cold or drink,

 -Bad smell or smell from mouth.

 -having Nausea if stay  empty stomach for long.

 - Insomnia, 

 - tenderness or Pain on touching delicate places of body (breasts or penis),

  -Severe pain or excessive bleeding during menstruation,

 -Anxiety and unconsciousness in the mind .

 these are symptoms of pitta imbalance.

(To know diseases of pitta in detail see our article link(https://drkavitavyas.blogspot.com/p/diseases-from-tridosha-batapittakapha.html?m=1)

Cows ghee for pitta dosha

4. Remedies for balancing the Pitta dosha.

I) First rule of any treatment in ayurveda is giving up the root cause called as Nidan parivarjan.So leave all causes mentioned above wether it is food or lifestyle.

II) Pitta can be balanced by eating sweet,bitter,and astringent food items, for example Amla(embelica officinal),and bitter gaurd.

III) Cows ghee/ Clarified Butter is best for pitta balancing, Specially a medicated cows ghee named as Drakshadi Ghritam is best medicine for aggravated pitta dosha .

Iv)One can take dry grapes dipped overnight in water,and eat next day morning empty stomach,drink water and chew the grapes( soaked day before.)

V) Seasonal Fruits like gauva,water melon, sweet lime etc helps in balancing pitta dosha,Also drinking Coconut water, and using fenugreek with raw sugar/Mishri help to decrease pitta aggravation.


VI) Using paste of Sandalwood powder externally on body also helpfule to reduce pitta effect on body.

VII)Virechan(Medicated Enema is considered as Best purification method among panchakarma, for elimination of  excess pitta dosha from the Body.(This treatment is indoor treatment and should be done under guidance of a qualified Ayurveda doctor.)

IX)Yogasanas and Pranayam for Balancing Pitta Dosha.

-Surya namaskar

-pad hastasan,













- shitkari, naadi shodhan,kapal bhatiPranayam etc.

See related youtube Video

Dr kavita vyas

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