How to be healthy in summer season

  • Dietetics and Regimen for Summer season  [Grishma Ritu]
By - Dr Kavita Vyas

           According to Ayurveda In the summer, the sun with help of its hot rays absorbs the moisture from the earth. So in summer-

-One should take food which is sweet in taste and cool in its effect.

-One should take liquid diet and unctuous food

-In summer when one takes sattu [a special type of food which is used after diluting in water, common In India], Ghritam, rice and milk, then person can not loose his normal strength.

-Taking sweet milk with ghritam in the night is a good habit.

-Eating seasonal fruits like water melon,cucumber, orange etc is good for health.

-Chewing fresh coconut fruit, fennel with mishri gives cooling effect in stomach.

-In this season One can have Haritaki churnam [Terminalia chebula],5 gm with Jaggery, it has rejuvenation effect.

-One should avoid alcohol in summer.

-Also one should not take more salty, sour and spicy food. Also one should not take the food which is causing heat in body.

-One should not do vigorous exercise in summer season.

-In the day time one should stay in cool room, and in night one should sleep at the roof cooled with natural air and moon light. 

-One should apply sandal wood paste on the body and one can wear the pearl ornament, because pearl causes cooling effect in body.

-One should stay at the place nearer to river or lake; one should walk in garden filled with different flowers.

See related youtube video below

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