How to be healthy in Late winter season

How to be healthy in Late winter season

(Dietetics and Regimen for Late winter season or Shishir Ritu)

By -Dr kavita Vyas

Post winter season
Shishir ritu food

    Generaly Hemanta and shishir Ritu [season] are almost same but due to Adankala,dryness increases and some times due to untimely rain atmosphere becomes more cold. 

So according to Ayurveda one should follow the same regimen as described for winter season, 

Post winter in india
Post winter season

--specially one should stay in warm and closed apartment; 

-one should avoid exposure to cold wind. 

-In this season One can have HaritakiTerminalia chebula or Myrobalance] churnam 5 gm with pippali churna(Piper longum), it has rejuvenation effect. 

Post winter care
Ritu Haritaki

 Haritaki Churnam is prescribed for all the seasons with different supplementary materials like honey, ghee, sugar etc. This is called as Ritu Haritaki. It is said in Charaka Samhita that Haritaki is as good as mother for human beings. A mother can get angry at the child, but once you take Haritaki It will not give any trouble after going in to your stomach.

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