Achaar Rasayan (Behavioural Regimen)

ACHARA RASAYAN [Behavioral regimen which acts as Rejuvenation]

-By Dr Kavita Vyas

               Ayurveda believes that if one doesn’t take any rejuvenation herbs or treatment then also he can get benefit of rejuvenation, if he/she is following behavioral regimen which is called as Sadachar[‘sad’ means good, ‘achar’ means behavior]. Good behavior morally uplifts the person and increases confidence.

Achara rasayan effects
Concept of Acharya rasayan in Ayurveda

 Achara Rasayanam [Behavioral regimen] includes-

-Speaking truth, not getting angry,
- Not drinking alcohol,
-control on senses, non violence,
-calm mind, cleanliness of body and sweetness in speech.
-Keeping patience, giving donation, doing penance.
-One who serves cow, priest, master [Guru], Scholars, aged people,
-One who has compassion for all living beings.
-One who has equanimous attitude for sleeping and waking state.
-One who daily eat ghee and milk,
-One who is egoless and generous.
-One who has controlled his senses and who is in company of saints,
-One who reads spiritual scriptures and behave according to them.
   All these habits or behavior gives effect of rejuvenation to the body and mind. 


- One should worship fire, or one can perform havan or agnihotra[  to know the detail about agnihotra one can contact the author of this book through email]
- Morning, afternoon and evening one should properly clean the legs, anus and other outlets [e.g. nostrils, ears etc.]
-After every five days one should cut his beard, nails. Every day one should wear the cloths which are clean and without tear.
- One should be happy always and should comb the hairs properly.
- One should put the oil on head, in nostrils, ears and on the feet every day.
- If any body comes to meet you, then you start the conversation first.
- Try to help others when they are in need.
- Give donations according to your capacity.
- Give proper respect to your guests.
- One should give pind-danam to his ancestors. [ pind-danam is a ritual which is performed by priests in Haridwar [India], near by holy river Ganges; it gives peace to your ancestors which are no more on this earth.]
- Speak timely, in small sentences, which have positive meaning.
- Don’t feel jealous in other’s progress.
- Be confident, fear less, enthusiastic, clever, forgiving, religious and optimistic.
- One should walk on the road looking four steps ahead, and should cover his head with turban, should take with him umbrella and stick while walking.
-One should able to bear other’s rude behavior.
- One should avoid the things which cause attachment and hat rate.
- One should not take interest in other’s wealth.
- One should not make enemies.
- Don’t behave wrongly with any bad person also.
- Don’t talk about other’s drawbacks or negative qualities.
- Don’t try to know other’s secret.
- Don’t be in the company of unreligious person, person who is enemy of the king, person who has destroyed the embryo. [Bhrun]
- Don’t ride on impaired vehicle. 
-One should not seat on the chair which is of lower height than the height of knee.
- Don’t climb on the tree.
- Don’t take bath in the river which has strong flow.
- Don’t laugh with too much noise.
- Don’t release the gas with noise.
- Don’t yawn, sneeze or laugh without covering the mouth.
- Don’t scratch your nostrils with finger.
- Don’t scrub your teeth with each other.
- Don’t scrub the Earth with nails.
- Don’t cut the grass with the teeth.
- Don’t make abnormal postures with your body parts.
- Don’t see the things which are very bright, not good in looking, not lucky to see.
- Don’t make sound like hoon… after seeing the dead body.
- Don’t cross the chhaya [In Sunlight, shadow of the person or thing on the ground] of flag, Guru, adorable person and avoidable things.
- Don’t sleep in the night at temple, Yagyna bhumi [Where fire ritual takes place.], the place where four roads meet each other [Chouraha], garden, Shamashan [or graveyard], place of slaughter.
- Don’t go alone in a lonely place and forest.
-  Don’t keep servants who have done wrong things [sins].
- Don’t protest good people, and don’t help bad people.
- Don’t do cruel work and don’t be in shelter of bad people.
-  Don’t give fear to other people.
- More courage, more sleep, more waking, more baths, more intake of water, food or alcohol should be avoided.
- Don’t seat on your knee for long time.
- Don’t go near to violent animals.
- Don’t face the eastern wind or the strong sunlight coming from the front.
- Don’t start fight.
- Don’t adore the fire, without concentration of mind.
- Don’t take heat of fire [in winter generally people seat near the fire] without cleaning the oral cavity. Don’t take bath without getting rest [with tired body] and without washing the face.
- don’t strike the lower end of hairs with help of your fingers.
- Don’t wear the same cloths again after the bath.
- Don’t go out of the house without touching gems or ghritam or flower or any bother auspicious material
- One should not have his/her food without wearing any gem, without having bath, without chanting any mantra, without doing agnihotra, without offering food to deities, without giving food to his/her mother father, without giving food to the guru, guest, and servants, without wearing sandalwood garland or any other auspicious fragrance, without washing his hands, face etc, without facing the north, without happiness of mind.
- One should not have the food which is given by enemy or undisciplined, ugly [not clean] and hungry person. Which is served in uncleaned vessel, which is not offered to the fire or which is not purred by sprinkling the water, which is not purred by chanting the mantras.
-Don’t take food or sleep or sneezing by bending the body, keep the body straight.
-Don’t suppress the urge of urine, stool etc[all the insuppressible urges mentioned before]
-Don’t spit, or excrete urine and stool, by facing towards fire, water, sun, moon, priest, guru etc adorable persons.
-Don’t spit or remove cough from the nose, while many people gathered, at the time of food, while planning for japa, yagna etc auspicious things are going on.
-Don’t waste the time too much.
-Don’t break the rules of scripture, or any institute or your own rules.
-Don’t walk in the night or in any improper place.
-During time of sun set don’t take food, don’t sleep and don’t study.
-Don’t do friendship with greedy, idiot, sad, and impotent people.
-Don’t take interest in drinking alcohol and gambling.
-Don’t reveal the secret of others and the secrets of the self.
-Don’t insult any body, don’t be egoistic.
-Gain perfection in work.
-Don’t talk too much.
-Don’t detach the brother, person who loves you or the person who knows secrets about you, from your house, office or contacts.
-Don’t give up patience.
-Don’t loose control of mind.
-Don’t stop the salary of the servants.
-Don’t distrust your own close relatives.
-Don’t try to be happy alone.
-Don’t be negative in your thoughts and deeds.
-Don’t trust everybody and don’t distrust everybody.
-Don’t keep on thinking all the time.
-Don’t do any work suddenly without knowing about it.
-Don’t be in control of senses.
-Don’t put load on your intellect.
-Don’t plan for long time.
-Don’t do any work under anger or joy.
-Don’t show too much happiness after success of any work, and don’t be too sad after failure of any plan.
-Always remember nature and follow the rules of nature.
-There is always effect of deeds, good deeds gives good results and wrong deeds gives bad results. So keeping this in mind always works for good reasons.
-Don’t think that always whatever you plan, that will happen accordingly.
-Don’t waste your energy through unnecessary sex.
-Don’t remember your insult done by some body again and again.

Achara rasayana reference
Acharya rasayan control of senses

Behavior regimen with ladies. [As given in Charaka Samhita]
-Don’t insult the ladies.
-Don’t tell your secret to ladies,
-Don’t make physical relations with the lady who is under menstrual cycle, who is not clean, who is suffering from any disease, who doesn’t have good behavior, who loves to other person.
-Don’t make sexual relation with other species[like dog, cat etc.], Or at wrong places like garden, place of cremation [shamshan], in between the water, at the place of worship, during the time of sunrise and sunset, on the full moon day, no moon day, ekadashi, pratipada.
-One should not make physical relation without cleaning the body, without having proper physical strength and wish,  without having food or after having heavy meal, while urge for urine and stool arise, while body is tired after exercise, laborious work or fasting, without having isolated place.

Achara rasayana benifits

Behavior regimen for students [As given in Charaka Samhita]

-Don’t criticize wise people and Guru.
-In unclean state don’t worship the god, tree. Also don’t study.
-Don’t study while earth quack, heavy rain, fire accident, during big festival, during sun eclipse or moon eclipse, while no moon day, at the time of sun set.
-One should not take knowledge from unqualified person.
-One should not read the subject [verses etc.]In very high volume, very low volume or in strange volume.

The summary of behavioral regimen is to indulge in knowledge, charity, friendship, and compassion, happiness, neglecting wrong things, controlling senses, and keeping peace.

            After following the above social and ethical regimen one gets good health, praise and fame in society and after death one goes to heaven.

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