Vitamins and their functions

Vitamins and their functions

                   By Dr Kavita Vyas




 It is defined as biochemical changes which occur in the body in order to maintain its vital functions. Metabolism is classified in to Anabolism and Catabolism. 
Anabolism - It is a constructive process. It leads to building up of fresh tissues from nutritive materials of food. 
Catabolism - It is a destructive process. It leads to break down of worn out tissues and their removal. For health anabolism and catabolism should be maintained at a balance. Health is affected when this balance is upset. 
Energy of the body and its sources-the body requires energy for maintaining its vital functions. In the body, energy is derived from food. Following are the sources of energy present in food. 
Carbohydrates and Fats - are sources of energy for work and heat. 
Proteins - are sources of energy for growth and repair. 
Vitamins and Salts - are sources of energy for vital functions. 




 Vitamins are essential nutrients which are required in small amounts for normal metabolism. 


Classifications of Vitamins  


Vitamins are classified in to : 

1. Fat Soluble Vitamins -Vitamin A, D, E and K. 

2. Water Soluble Vitamins -Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C. 


Vitamin A



Vitamin A - It is an unsaturated alcohol. Carotene is the precursor of vitamin A.  

Sources - Carotenes are present in carrot, spinach and green vegetables. It is also present in dairy products like milk, butter and cheese. 

Defficiency - The deficiency of Vitamin A leads to Nyctolopia (Night blindness), Xerophthalmia (Failure of tear secretion). 

Vitamin D - Also known as Calciferol. 

Sources - Egg, butter milk and cod liver oil.Sun light converts dehydrocholesterol of skin in to Vitamin D. 

Defficiency - Defficiency of vitamin D produces rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. These two diseases are characterized by deformities of bones. 

Vitamin E - Also known as alpha tocopherol. 

Sources - Soyabean oil, wheat germ oil and rice germ oil. 

Defficiency - The deficiency of Vitamin E leads to Abortion and sterlity in animals, No symptom has been established in human. 

Vitamin K  

Sources - Spinach and other green vegetables. Bacteria present in intestine also synthesise vitamin K. 

Defficiency - The deficiency of Vitamin K leads to Increased bleeding due to effective clotting mechanism. 


Vitamin E


Vitamin B -1 (Thiamine) 
Sources - Peas, beans, oatmeal, pea nuts, vegetables and fruits. 
Defficiency - Defficiency of thiamin produces Beri beri (a symptom complex with characterstic neuropathy) and Wernickes encephalopathy characterized by confusion, ophthalmoplegia, nystagmus and tremors. 
Vitamine B-2 (Riboflavine) 
Sources - Egg, milk and vegetables. 
Defficiency - Soreness of lips and redness of eyes. 
Vitamin B-3 (Nicotinic Acid) 
Sources - Milk, eggs, rice, potatoes and vegetables. 
Defficiency - Pellegra characterized by dermatitis, diarrhea and mental confusion. 
Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) 
Sources -Yeast, cereals, legumes, milk. 
Defficiency - Irritability, abdominal distention, loss of body weight and anemia in children. In adults the deffeciency produces lesions of skin and mouth, peripheral neuritis and mental changes. 
Vitamin B-8 (Pantothenic Acid) 
Sources -Yeast, wheat, pea nuts, milk . 
Defficiency - Keratitis, dermatitis, neuromuscular degeneration and adreno cortical insufficiency in animals. In humans the deficiency produces fatigue, malaise, nausea and flatulence. 
Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamine) 
Sources - Egg and milk. Also present in leguminous plants in small quantity. 
Defficiency - Defficiency of cyanocobalamine leads to megaloblastic anemia. Both cyanocobalamine and folic acid require for the development of blood cells. 
Folic Acid 
Sources - Rich in vegetarian food like cabbage, spinach and all green vegetables. Non vegetarian food contains less folic acid.

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