How to keep away CORONA Virus by home remedies & precautionary measures


Home remedies and precautions in corona virus symptoms 

-By Dr Kavita Vyas

According to ayurvedic text whenever new disease arise, for that disease you need to treat as per dosha (vata,pitta,kapha,) and symptoms of the disease.

So we will talk about Four situation,

1. Home remedies For healthy people how to avoid COVID

 2.For person having symptoms of corona virus -home remedies

3. After taking vaccine if you get Corona symptoms.

4 How to manage Mental health during Pandemic 

1. Home remedies For healthy people how to avoid Corona virus

A)drink only boiled and then cooled water (do not use chilled or iced water)

B)Diet should be light or easily digestible, if possible avoide fried food.

C)Young people may have corona without symptoms and some times RTPCR reports are also not able to diagnose it, so use mask even at home, specially while interacting with Aged people of family, they may get virus from you.

D) wash your hands after  every two three hours, with family.

2.For person who is having symptoms of corona virus -home remedies

A)  Take full rest, keep your self in a well ventilated room,isolate from other family members.

B) Drinking water should be boiled and then cooled at room temperature, Also use a pinch of turmeric and salt with warm water.

C) Take steam through nose, twice a day if your nose is choaked.

D)In diseased condition your digestivefire gets diminished so take liquid diet like vegetable soups, moon daal(green gram) soup,fruit juices like apple juice,orange juice etc.

E) Do not drink tea,coffee, but can drink herbal tea or green tea.

F) In weakness of body take Electrolyte powder(Elecrltrol powder) by mixing in water.2-3 times a day as per need.

G)To dilute accumulated cough Trikatu Churna 1/2 tea spoon with honey can be taken twice or thrice a day.(Avoide drinking water till half hour after this medicine)

H) In cough and difficulty in breathing , Sitopaladi Churna one tea spoon with honey can be taken twice or thrice a day.((Avoide drinking water till half hour after this medicine)

I)Mulethi churna (Licorice or sweet root)can also be used.

J) In condition of fever and Body ache sudarshan ghan wati tablets can be used apart from above churnas(dose two tablets twice a day)

K) In increased heat in stomach, drink unriped mango juice, lemon juice, or cold(not iced) milk by mixing half water can be taken twice a day.

L) In taste less state keep some cloves or Cardamom in mouth.

M) If symptoms continue more then seven days , take advice of near by doctors on phone, do not hurry to get admit in hospitals.

N)Purchase medicine only after doctors advice, Do not purchase unnecessaryly Costly medicine in higher price by listening on TV. Because some medicines may not be needed for your condition.

O)You can get cured more rapidly at home instead of hospital, because home atmosphere is more positive than hospital filled with patient.

So when really hospital admission is required then only get admit.

P) At home do not use AC if you are having Corona symptoms,Fresh air is more useful in healing, some plants like holybasil, etc can kept near window for more pure air quality.


3. After taking vaccine if you get Corona symptoms.

After taking vaccine there are more chances of getting some symptoms like Head ache Body ace, weakness,fever in young people as young peoples immune system responds rapidly, in comparison to Aged people.

So for these symptoms above mentioned home remedies can be used.

But taking vaccine is important to avoid coronavirus spread.

Suppose you gets positive Corona report even after taking Vaccine, then also vaccine will help you to not get in severe condition of corona infection. 

As per present data available Among 10000 people only 2-3 people getting some corona symptoms after getting vaccine.

So take vaccine for your own health and for your family,s safety.

(Although Some international health expert says , if after first dose of vaccine your Body react more intensely then second dose of vaccine can be avoided.)

-Even after taking vaccine, follow precautions, use mask and wash your hands by soap every three hours, for safety of self and near by people.

4 How to manage Mental health during Pandemic 

During COVID Pandemic,How to keep mental health intact.

During this pandemic time, we are facing physical as well as mental health challenges, Continuous news of deaths affecting peace of mind of people,so few things are suggested below-

-Do not watch news channels all day,

- During Free time of lockdown you may read some inspirational books or watch entertainment programmes on mobile.

-Walking, physical exercise,yogasanas, Pranayam, Meditation 

Will also keep Your mind relaxed.

-If you are totally healthy ,then can learn some new skills either on internet,or youtube etc.

-As per Ayurveda during summer season strong rays of Sun absorb your Body moisture,so taking nap in afternoon is a good choice for health during these days.

-Drinking water in sufficient amount keep your mental peace intact,because water has effect on your mental behaviour, that's why in India when some one gets angry people say "drink some Cold water". So drink water in good quantity.

-The Music is one of the best remedy for mental peace, so listen soothing music of your choice.

-If you know sanskrit mantra , then you can do japa of any mantra of your choice.

-Remember wether the  time is good or Bad, This shall too pass.(famous quote)

(See Below Youtube video on some rejuvenation herbs)

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