Sattvik Rajasik Tamasik Food

 Ayurvedic Food (part-2)


By Dr kavita Vyas (MD Ayurveda)



Classification of food here follows the three gunas or qualities of primal nature. 


Satva guna-is pure, light, clear, calming, harmonizing, opens the mind, and promotes wakefulness. 


Rajas guna-is cloudy, agitated, turbulent, energizing and disturbs the emotions. 


Tamas guna-is dark heavy and dulling and promotes lethargy. It closes the mind

(Mind types we already described in do you know your body types and mind types)


“From satva is born knowledge, from rajas greed, from Tamas is confusion, delusion and ignorance.” [Bhagvat gita-14/17] 

Satvik diet means which increases satva guna in our nature ........


Sattvic or yogic Diet 


     Sattvic diet was originally devised for the practice of yoga and the development of the mind. It is good for those who use their minds a lot, as it improves mental quality and energy. Moreover it is important in the treatment of mental disorders, as it helps to restore harmony and balance.sattvik diet is a generally healthful and balancing diet, safe for all three humors, though the diets for humors can also be modified, along sattvic line. However as sattvic diet is for improving the mind, it may not be nourishing enough for those who have to do physical labor. It sensitizes the mind and gives greater sense of sympathy and compassion. 

     Sattvic diet consists only of pure foods, light in nature mildly cooling in energy that does not disturb the mind. Only foods rich in the life force or prana are to be taken. These include organic fresh food and vegetables. All foods produced by the harming living beings are to be avoided, such as meat and fish. Foods prepared in toxic environment or with an excess of chemical fertilizers or sprays are to be avoided. 

In Bhagwat Gita Lord Krishna says-  The food which is capable of increasing span of life, increases Sattva, strength, health, happiness and delight at the progress of others. The foods which are juicy, prepared with Ghee [butter], nourishing and likeable to heart are dear to men of sattvic temperament. [All these foods are sattvic] 


Fruits-are sattvic in nature. [Some yogis avoid heavy sweet fruits such as Banana] 

Vegetables-Most vegetables [green vegetables] are good for a sattvic diet, though not as much as fruits. [Some people avoid cabage, cauliflower, potatoes and mushrooms]. 

Grains-Grains like fruits are sattvic in nature. Especially rice [ Basmati and brown rice].Wheat and oats are also good. Grains are better in winter season or when more physical strength is required. Whole grains are preferable but breads are also sattvic. 

Nuts- Almonds, pine nuts and walnuts are particularly good. As nuts are a little heavy they should not be taken in large quantities at a rime. Nuts and seeds becomes tamasic easily [when more roasted and deeply fried] 

Dairy products- Milk and butter milk is good. Yoghurt is also good but is a little heavy and should not be taken in excess, as it can clog the channels. Cheese is very heavy so it is not recommended. Ghee [cow’s clarified butter] is also sattvic because it promotes intelligence and perception.  

Oils- Seasam oil, coconut oil are sattvic .Also olive oil [not with garlic] 

Sweeteners- Raw sugar, honey, and jaggery are sattvic. Honey when heated is said to be become toxic. It is said that sweet feeds Shakti. 

Spices- Most spices are rajasic, but a number of exceptions exist. Sattvic spices include ginger cinnamon, cardamom, fennel and coriander, as well as turmeric. They help to balance the effect of to much fruits, dairy products or too much fat. Black pepper and long pepper helps to dry the mucus and keep the channels open. Here rajas is used to counter Tamas, thus producing sattva indirectly. Salt is to be avoided, except in the summer or in the hot climate. 

Hot drink- Milk, herbal tea, green tea can be taken. 

Taking a large quantity of water [3-5 liter] in 24 hour helps to maintain sattva. 


Rajasic diet 

Rajasik food

    Rajasic and tamasic foods are not generally recommended, as they disturb or dull the mind and produce diseases. We should understand them in order to avoid them.


      Rajasic food aggravate vata and pitta [air and fire], Rajasic foods cause hyper activity , restlessness, irritability, insomnia, increase toxins in the blood, cause bleeding and may promote hypertension. Rajasic foods include most over tasty food. It is excessively spicy, salty and sour. Most fried or roasted and salted food is rajasic. 


Vegetables- Garlic, onion, radishes, chilies are rajasic and tamasic.Cauliflower, cabbage, mustard are rajasic or gas forming. 

Beans- Beans are usually rajasic in nature. Exceptions are mung beans. 

Spices- most spices are rajasic. 

Hot drink- coffee and tea is rajasic in nature. 

Pickles, vinegar, sour cream are rajasic in nature. 

Meat is rajasic.


Tamasic diet 

Ayurvedic lifestyle

    Tamasic foods increase kapha and ama[toxin] dosha. Tamasic food causes hypoactivity, lethargy, apathy, excess sleep.  

Tamasic food is food which is stale, recooked, artificial, greecy or heavy. It includes mushrooms, more quantity of roasted and salted nuts, refined sugars, meat, fish, and animal organs. Most canned foods. Excess intake of fats, oils, pastries etc is tamasic.White sugar and white flour has a long term tamasic effect. Food that is too cold is also tamasic.Onion and Brinjal are also tamasic vegetables.

See related youtube video below 

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