Raktamokshan and sansarjan kram in panchakarma


Panchakarma (part-4)

5.Raktamokshan (Therapeutic release of toxic blood)

By Dr kavita Vyas(M.D.Ay)

Blood Letting therapy in Panchakarma

Under this treatment toxic blood is taken out of various sites in the body. The blood should be dark in colour. Once it becomes bright red , the treatment should stop.the amount taken out is generally from two to eight ounces.This treatment is useful for the skin diseases, spleeno megaly, tumor, abscess, ophthalmic disorders, gout, indigestion, baldness, piles etc.
This treatment is contraindicated for person having jaundice, oedema, anaemia, and for pregnant ladies.

Vericose veins
Raktamokshan in chronic diseases 

Uttar Karma (Follow up Practices)

After any panchakarma treatment like vamana or virechana parson’s digestive system takes time to come to original diet, at least it takes seven days to come to regular meal. So till seven days from first day to the seventh day different light foods are mentioned in ayurveda samhitas(books).If person follows this then he/she will get the maximum benefit of the treatment. 
Also one should avoid going in hot sun, more walking, talking,heavy exercise etc during panchakarma treatment.

For healthy people it is good to undergo panchakarma treatment every year as body servicing.
After panchakarma treatment not only body gets healthy but it relaxes the mind also, person feel light headed after cleansing therapy.thats why in yoga also shatkriyas(six purification processes) are mentioned for the sadhakas, because cleansing the body helps in achieving the concentration of mind. 

(See youtube video below on Basics of Ayurveda)

Balancing dosha is important part of Ayurvedic treatment 

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