Incompatible food As per Ayurveda

      (Ayurvedic Food part-4)

Dietetic incompatibilities.[viruddhahara] 

By dr kavita vyas

Viruddh Aahar


      Acharya charaka has described 18 factors regarding Dietetic incompatibility. 

1.Climate [Desha]- If one eats hot and spicy food material in hot and dry country or cold and oily food in cold and moist climte, then it will be injurious to health. 

2.Season [kala]-e. g. in summer season if one takes hot , spicy and pitta aggravating food then it will be having negative effect on one’s health. 

3.Digestive power [Agni]- If one takes more or less food according to his/her digestive power then it is also harmful for the health. 

4.Measurement[Matra]-eg. If one takes honey and ghee[clarified butter] in equal quantity then it becomes toxic, one should mix 3 parts of honey and one part of ghee or vice versa. 

5.Adaptability [Satmya]-Whenone person becomes habitual to certain kind of food & if he takes now apposite type of food then it affects his/her health.If some body used to take spicy and hot food then for him food with sweet taste will not be suitable. 

6.Body humour[dosha]-The food which aggravates the same dosha which is already dominant in person’s body , that food is harmful. 

7.Preparation[sanskara]-e.g. when honey is heated with water, milk or any other material it becomes toxic. So the way of preparion is also important. 

8.Potency [virya]-When the food which is cold by its nature is taken with the food which is hot in effect then it will also be harmful for the body e.g. just after ice cold water you drink hot coffee, it will affect your throat . 

youtube video on Ayurveda rules for eating 

9.Bowel habit[koshtha]-E. g. a person’s  is habitual to constipation and he takes oily and heavy food material then it will affect his stomach or a person who easily get loose motion and if he takes lots of milk then it will be harmful for him because more milk causes loose motion . 

10.State of the person [avastha]-the person who is doing laborious work and he takes vata aggravating diet or the person who seating idle if he takes kapha aggravating food then it will be harmful. 

11.Order of eating[krama]- If  the person eats before passing his stool and urin or without having proper apetite then it will be not a proper order of eating. 

12.Things to be avoided[Parihar]-e.g.If the person eats hot and spicy food and on that he drink hot coffee it will aggravate pitta.So this this will be improper way, one should avoid it. 

13.Rules of medication[upachara]-If the person eats oily and fried food and drink cold water afterwards, then this will be apposite to the rule of medication, because ayurveda says after eating oily food one should take hot water. 

14.Cooking[paka]-food which is half cooked or improperly cooked is harmful for the body. 

15.Combination[samyoga]-e. g. if one eats lime with milk or honey with any hot drink then it will be an improper combination. 

16.Palatibility[hridya]-the food which person doesn’t like will not get digested properly because mind has its effect on digestion so one should take food which he likes. 

17.Richness of quality[sampata]-If person eats the food material which is not riped properly or over riped[rotten] then it will be not good for health. 

18.Rules of meal[vidhi]-If a person doesn’t follow the rules of meal, takes meal at whatever time and in whatever manner then it will be harmful.

Drinking water for health youtube video 

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