vaman(medicated emission) and virechan therapies in panchakarma treatment


(Panchakarma Part-2)

Pradhan Karma (Main Panchakarma Treatment)

By Dr Kavita Vyas, MD ayurveda

 Vaman is first among Panchakarma therapies 

1. Vamana Karma (Therapeutic Vomiting)

Under this treatment with the help of medicated decoction and intake of excess milk etc vomiting reflexes arises. It is easier to empty the stomach through one or two strong reflexes then through a series of weak ones. It is important to empty the stomach thoroughly.

Medicated vomiting (vamana) is different from vomiting as disease.

Vomiting is contraindicated for the weak, children, emaciated, anorexic, heart patient, and person suffering from splenomegaly, haemoptysis, old age, convalescent, or those suffering from dry cough. It is mainly prescribed for those with congestion of phlegm in the lungs and stomach, for those usually of kapha constitution. This treatment is useful in asthma, sinusitis, The best season for this treatment is spring.particularly late spring when the weather has warmed up. It should not be done during stormy or rainy weather. Best time is morning after sunrise.Much of the effect of short term emetic therapy can be gained through the long term use of expectorant herbs like ginger, trikatu etc and through following the anti kapha diet. 


2. Virechana Karma (Purgation)

Virechan is the simplest of the panchakarma methods and it is easy to see its effect. In this a strong purgative medicine is given with honey. Purgation is used to eliminate high pitta from its site in the small intestine. Purgation is not so much effective for treating the large intestine. This cleansing of the small intestine can weaken the digestive fire, so it is not always advisable in Vata body type people.
Purgation therapy is useful in treating the constipation, old fever, diarrhea, dysentery, food poisoning, piles, spleenomegaly, jaundice, indigestion, skin disease, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, gout etc.
For this treatment late spring or the summer are the best season.Purgation therapy is contraindicated for the very young, the very old, weake, emaciated and tired person. Also person suffering from acute fever, tuberculosis, heart disease, diarrhea and pregnant ladies should not be given purgation treatment.

see below youtube video for knowing Pitta Dosha.

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