How to know your mind,

How to know your mind,

By Dr kavitavyas (MD ayurved)

How to controller mind?

Mind is cause of many diseases and also cause of physical and mental health. So we will know mind in detail in this article.
Mana (mind), buddhi (intellect), chitta (consciousness), ahankara (ego) these four are considered as Antahakarana chatushtaya (Four levels of your inner being).
God is the energy. A person is the bundle of energy. That energy moves outward as ego, as memory, as intellect and as mind.

Inward flow of energy occurs when mind stop thinking unnecessarily and not get involved so much in sensory pleasures, then that energy strengthens the intellect. When the intellect stop judging too much or stop the argumenting things, accept the things as they are then your consciousness expands. Whatever good and bad events happened in life they all are stored in your consciousness as memory. As you start getting rid of your impressions (memory of events) in the consciousness then you start radiating the divine energy from your every action and thought. Meditation is the best way to get rid of impressions of the events. Now only sense of ego (I am) remains in between God and yourself. When you surrender this sense of’ ‘I’ then you are one with the God.

In Vedic literature Panch Kosha (Five layers) are described. These five layers are-

1. Annamaya Kosha (covering born out of food i.e. Body)
2. Pranamaya Kosha (Covering of Prana means the Breath)
3. Manomaya kosha (Covering born out of thoughts in the mind)
4. Vigyana maya kosha (Covering of your intellect and intuition)
5. Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss or the self or the spirit)

So when you think about body you at the level of annamaya kosha, when you observe the breath you are at level of Pranamaya kosha, when you observe your thoughts you are at the level of Manomaya kosha, When you are getting intuition you are at the levelof vigyana maya kosha, When you transcends all these levels then you enter in anandamaya kosha, the supreme bliss, you experience the self. A True spiritual master (sadguru) takes his disciple gradually from one kosha (layer) to another kosha (layer) of consciousness. When disciple is out of body level, food etc, then he will tell him to observe the breath after getting control on the breath, the disciple is being taught to observe the thoughts, when he is above thought level than Guru will tell him to observe the intellect and intuitions. After this, finally guru will take the disciple in the supreme bliss, in to the pure self. Thus self realization takes place. Without guidance of a Sadguru it is difficult to get the knowledge of the self. Because it is a skill. You know all the levels but to enter practically in that level require trick. For example a good surgeon knows how to operate the appendicitis case. But he can not do his own appendectomy; he will require another person to operate himself. In the same way initially a master is require for guidance, in the journey towards the self. 


Mind is the cause of your all action, when mind wants to see something then only your eyes will be used by mind to see that thing. Thus our senses and locomotary organs are the tools of the mind to do or see or hear, or touch, or smell whatever it wants. Suppose you are watching television but your mind is involved in thinking office matters then you will not be able remember, what dialogue is going on in the serial because only your eyes are open but your mind is not with the eyes, it is with the memory of office matters. Is it clear? So any work you want to do properly, you need full concentration of mind in that work. That’s why concentration of mind is given so much importance, if your mind is not get concentrated in the work and it goes here and there then it will be waste of your energy.  
Imaginations keeps on arising in your mind, after erasing again and again, that imagination becomes the thought, When the same thought keeps on coming in the mind, it becomes your determination, When this determination comes out as behavior it will become your Karma (deed), when this karma ripen and gives you good or bad result then it will be your fat. So your luck is decided by your thoughts and thoughts arise in the mind. So keeping the mind cool and calm is necessary.
To make the mind cool calm you can follow some regimen :-

a. Keep silence in early morning hours or talk only very necessary things. 

b. Morning time is the best to do some spiritual practices and yogasanas it will give you energy for the whole day.

c. You also can go for morning walk and can plan about the work what you want to do whole day.

d. Reading some spiritual or positive literature or listening some soothing music gives you strength to bear the tension of the whole day.

e. Just after waking up if we read newspaper, full of reports of violence and politics, it spoils the peace of mind.

f. Prefer to have Sattvik food, so it keeps your mind cool and calm, increases creativity of the mind.

g. Follow the life style and diet regimen according to your body type.

h. Involve in some service project weekly or monthly it gives a sense of satisfaction.

i. Avoid contact with negative people or people who always criticize the others.

j. Do fasting ones a week or month according to your body type, it gives a sense of purity in the mind.

k. While coming home after the whole day work, relax your body and listen some good music or play with children, it will releasel. Seat and evaluate your self what you have done whole day, what work are left, write them for tomorrow.
L.. Join any spiritual group where you can share your problems once a week or whenever you want. 
M.According to Indian calendar, Moon moves in all 12 Zodiac signs(Rashi) like Aries, vergo etc.In each sign it remains for two and quarter day, so person’s mood changes according to the moon’s situation in particular sign. So when you feel very depressed or negative just wait for two and quarter day, your feelings will change as moon moves in other sign. This is based on years of experience. Don’t follow your feelings.
In Sanskrit there is a saying-”manev manushyanam karanam bandhamokshayo.” Means the mind is reason for person’s bondage and liberation. Whatever you think, you become like that if you think you are bounded so you feel that bondage, if you feel there is no bondage then there will be no bondage for you. Our mind contains infinite possibilities.
(See youtube video below)

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