OJAS the essence of all dhatus"

OJAS the essence of all dhatus"

[The essential energy of immune system]

By - Dr Kavita Vyas,MD Ayurveda

     By Following the rules of brahmacharya(controller of senses) ojas  of the person can be increased.

Ojas diet
Ojas the essential energy

Ojas Meaning

            Ojas is the essential energy of the body. It literally means ‘vigor’. It is the subtle essence of the all dhatus and of all the vital secretions. Ojas is not a physical substance. It is the sap of our life energy and exists on a subtle level in the heart [Anahat charka]. When it is sufficient there is health when it is deficient there is disease. Disease strikes at the locations where it is weaken. In modern terms we could say it is something like the essential energy of the immune system. 
        Ojas is located in the heart. It pervades the entire body, giving stability and support. It is moist, of the nature of nectar [soma], transparent, slightly red and yellow in colour.when it is destroyed one dies, when it is sustained one lives.
     Ojas is decreased by such factors as anger, hunger, worry, sorrow and over work. Then one experiences fear and the lack of strength. One constantly worries with disturbed senses. Such qualities as patience and faith disappear. Other factors that decreases ojas includes excessive sexual activity, use of drugs and stimulants, stress, anxiety, devitalized food, unnatural environment and life style.

Ojas Diet

        Ojas can be increased by special foods like milk and ghee [clarified butter], special tonic herbs like Ahwagandha [withania somenifera], shatawari [Asparagus racemosus] and Guduchi [tinospora cardifolia], by yogasanas, pranayam and meditation practices.Also by chanting the Vedic mantras. [These things one should learn under the guidance of a master].

Ojas the essence of seven dhatus
Ojas concept in ayurveda

       Ojas increases immunity. When our immunity is low we get negative thoughts. Our most of the diseases first enter in our thought level or through subtle level of mind then they manifest at body level. Low ojas causes chronic , degenerative diseases and nervous disorders. The modern disease AIDS has all the symptoms of the low ojas disease.

(See health based youtube video below)

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